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¡Una nueva líder demócrata para que Bloomfield siga avanzando!

Meet our Team

Our council members are dedicated community leaders who share Mayor Mundell’s vision for Bloomfield’s future. Together, they bring a diverse range of expertise, experience, and passion to their roles, working collaboratively to achieve our shared goals for the Township.

¡Una nueva líder demócrata para que Bloomfield siga avanzando!






Mikie Sherrill


Michael Venezia

Comisionado del Condado Carlos Pomares


Sarah Cruz

Respaldado por

El concejal del distrito norte de Newark, Aníbal Ramos Jr.

Asambleísta Shanique Speight


Eliana Pintor Marin

Líder de la Mayoría del Senado Estatal
M. Teresa Ruiz

Hotel Trades Council

Eastern Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters


Eastern Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters

Eastern Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters

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Eastern Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters

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Bloomfield PBA Local 32

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Conoce a Jenny

Nombrada por primera vez al Consejo Municipal en 2017, Jenny Mundell ha ganado la reelección tres veces y ha trabajado sin cesar para servir a la comunidad. Lleva casi 15 años viviendo en Bloomfield junto a su marido y su hijo, y trabaja como Vicepresidenta de Desarrollo en Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital. Como alcaldesa, Jenny trabajará para continuar el progreso, centrándose en un gobierno abierto y transparente, un modelo económico equilibrado y responsable, la seguridad pública y la participación de la comunidad.

Monica Charris Tabares

Graduada de la Universidad de Kean con una Licenciatura en Literatura Inglesa y una Maestría en Educación Bilingüe y Liderazgo Educativo, Mónica Charris Tabares se une al consejo como educadora de por vida. Actualmente es la Directora del Programa Head Start de la Corporación de Acción Comunitaria de North Hudson, donde supervisa la calidad del programa y sirve como recurso para todos los miembros del departamento de Head Start. Ha sido reconocida como la Educadora del Año del Condado de North Hudson y la Maestra del Año del Distrito Escolar de Orange, y actualmente está cursando su doctorado mientras tiene licencias de enseñanza en P-3, K-5, Bilingüe, Supervisión de Educación y Director CE. La concejal Charris Tabares nació en Barranquilla, Colombia, y emigró a los Estados Unidos con sus padres y su hermana cuando tenía dos años. Actualmente reside en Bloomfield con su esposo y sus dos hijos.

para el consejo general

Jill Fischman

Council at-Large

Jill Fischman, a proud Bloomfield resident for over 40 years and graduate of Bloomfield Public Schools, holds degrees from TCNJ, the University of Phoenix, and Caldwell University. With 26 years in education, Jill has taught at all levels and coached multiple sports. For the past 15 years, she has been a respected high school teacher in Union County. As a longtime Bloomfield Board of Education (BOE) member and past President, Jill led efforts to expand inclusion programs, address COVID-19 learning loss, and secure millions in school improvements. Her leadership earned the district national recognition for initiatives like the Sandy Hook Promise. Jill is now running for Council at Large to continue serving the community she loves, where “Every day is a great day to be a Bengal!"


Rosalee González

1st Ward Council

Rosalee González, a proud Latina born in Brooklyn, NY, to a Puerto Rican family, is a dedicated leader and advocate for the Bloomfield community. Married since 2014, she is a proud mother in a blended family of four children. Her experience raising neurodivergent children drives her passion for supporting families navigating educational systems. With over 20 years as a Sleep Technologist, Rosalee has proudly served Veterans at the VA for the past 11 years and is trained to respond to emergencies involving chemical or biological contamination. Beyond her career, Rosalee co-founded a boys’ mentoring group and has volunteered extensively for Bloomfield’s sports teams and schools, organizing fundraisers and events. She is deeply committed to empowering the Latino community through translation services and connecting immigrants to resources. Fluent in Spanish and holding a Bachelor’s in Language and Culture, Rosalee is a compassionate leader who understands the diverse needs of her community. As 1st Ward Councilwoman, she will work to strengthen families, empower youth, and keep Bloomfield inclusive and thriving for all.

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Monica Charris Tabares

Council at-Large

Monica Charris Tabares is the Councilwoman-at-large of Bloomfield as well as the vice president of North Hudson Community Action Corporation Head Start, where she has been promoting outstanding preschool and bilingual educational services for many years. She’s proud to serve as a role model for the Latino community while advocating for the needs of all Bloomfield residents. She has earned a BA in English Literature, a Masters in Bilingual Education, and a second Masters in Educational Leadership, and is working toward her Doctorate. As a leader, she listens to all sides of every issue, and then bravely makes the tough decisions best for everyone. Monica believes the people, places, and stories of our past, especially of our families, are a part of the unique story of who we are. She is certain that by understanding each of our histories we can build a better community.

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Widney Polynice

Council at-Large

Widney has proudly called Bloomfield home for over 25 years. A graduate of the Bloomfield school system, he learned discipline and teamwork through sports like football and wrestling. Bloomfield is where he met his wife, Rebecca, a lifelong resident, and co-founded a marketing company with a childhood friend to support small businesses and foster local growth. Widney has dedicated his life to serving the community by coaching youth sports, volunteering at food banks, and collaborating with local churches to meet residents’ needs. As Councilperson At Large, Widney listens to the community and works to improve education, support businesses, enhance public safety, and promote affordable housing. Guided by his slogan, “Rooted in Community, Committed to Progress,” he strives to ensure Bloomfield remains an inclusive and thriving town for all.

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